Use "reassurance|reassurances" in a sentence

1. I patted her shoulder in reassurance.

2. Someone who can give us the reassurances we require.

3. But my reassurances did nothing to allay his nervous demeanor.

4. Despite Nkurunziza’s reassurances, however, Burundians continue to flee the country

5. Reassurances may need to be given on continuity of employment.

6. Ask for reassurance every five minutes.

7. Then there is reassurance from experiments.

8. And Londoners need explanations and reassurance.

9. He glanced at her, seeking reassurance.

10. The reading for today offer us hope and reassurance.

11. According to Fielding, Lorne was seriously overdue for reassurance.

12. She needed reassurance that she belonged somewhere.

13. He held onto her hand for reassurance.

14. He drew reassurance from the enthusiastic applause.

15. Horses also seek body contact for reassurance.

16. They are offering practical help and reassurance.

17. However, sufferers get Bluffed by their anxiety and become desperate for reassurance, which only works temporarily: People can become reassurance junkies

18. Coming from the mayor, the reassurance was convincing.

19. (Proverbs 2:7-9) What a reassurance this is!

20. Lorne wanted reassurance about the nature of his role.

21. I sought reassurance that Martina's number wasn't listed there.

22. They probably want a little extra reassurance, that's all.

23. Teenagers need love, encouragement and reassurance from their parents.

24. Parents are looking for reassurance about their children's safety.

25. Pray to your Father in Heaven for peace and reassurance.

26. Immediately, Daniel Cut in on Joanne's attempts at reassurance

27. And reassurances that the due diligence performed on Merrill's books had been rigorous, despite the rush, look risible.

28. She found reassurance in the high attendance at her lectures.

29. Ginzberg explains some companies need reassurance about tapping overseas markets .

30. My teacher gave me a nod of reassurance and I began.

31. California Casualty will protect, provide and give you the reassurance you need.

32. He manifests Himself in many ways, including feelings of peace and reassurance.

33. The ministry tried to offer reassurance on the safety of eating beef.

34. But Legasov's reassurance at Vienna was not as mendacious as many believed.

35. She is very insecure and constantly seeks reassurance that he loves her.

36. A system of beliefs can bring you reassurance at times of stress.

37. CARFAX Buyback Guarantee is reassurance that any Spokane Washington Cars 25,000 $ View pictures

38. Some people react by constantly seeking reassurance, while others overcompensate by taking risks.

39. Pressure groups demanded reassurances that the poor and elderly would be protected from the extra cost of heating their homes.

40. Stories of Answered prayers can strengthen our faith and offer hope and reassurance

41. Gideon, wanting reassurance that Jehovah would support him, asked for a miraculous sign.

42. Such a state monopoly on violence, first of all, serves as a reassurance.

43. REASSURANCE, comfort, hope of restoration —that is what despondent Jews in Babylon need.

44. The Casbah knife series provides the trust and reassurance you need on a daily basis

45. You have the reassurance that your supply chain activities are outsourced reliably, to a specialist.

46. And I have the additional reassurance of knowing that the Lord has always sustained me.

47. Oh, ultimate Arbitrer of bicycle taste, thank you for your kind words of reassurance.

48. As though for reassurance he looked up at the imperturbable face in the portrait.

49. The Duke was offering bland reassurance about the scanty news of the day's skirmishes.

50. Soames Forsyte was a member of the board of the Providential Premium Reassurance Society.

51. I felt I couldn't cope with the situation and was in desperate need of some reassurance.

52. Jesus went on to give her more reassurance by saying: “Your faith has made you well.

53. The heart of the debunking message -- and what most readers carry away from it -- is reassurance.

54. Maybe, I thought, she keeps it on for reassurance, because she really may be scared.

55. 1. (a) What reassurance does the angel give John regarding all the wonderful promises in Revelation?

56. And if the herd is threatened, they will gallop off together or maybe huddle together, touching each other for reassurance.

57. Cannon seemed to realize that reassurance came by knowing that the Manifesto was anchored in scriptural precedent.

58. So, from a safe distance, he plucked meanings from the cosmos and wove them together in reassurance.

59. Curium has allowed us to better understand and cleanse our accounting and trading system data and also provides a visible reassurance that …

60. David Reuben observed: “A wife particularly needs that special kind of attention that involves tenderness, understanding and reassurance.”

61. Reassurance that the child is already fully aware that something is wrong can give parents confidence to talk.

62. Bibliotherapy: When Kids Need Books: A Guide for Those in Need of Reassurance and Their Teachers, Parents, and Friends

63. This tells your partner you are still interested and gives him or her a sense of hopefulness, reassurance and security.

64. She accepted the therapist's simple interpretation that this probably inpart explained her excessive need for attention and reassurance from Charles.

65. 'Consoler In Chief': Tough Role In Partisan Times After a tragedy, many Americans look to the president for reassurance

66. Suppose that you decide that the employee's main payoff from constantly telephoning you is that he receives encouragement and reassurance.

67. She looked at Trahn Beseechingly, as if seeking reassurance that Cailin would not be taken away, but the mage merely shrugged.

68. Peter was profoundly affected by the vision he had seen and by the reassurance he received from the holy spirit.

69. The tough HDPE membrane provides the primary waterproofing envelope while the expandable Bentonite clay provides the self-sealing reassurance under hydrostatic conditions.

70. "Really" can also be used in one other way that "Actually" can't, and that is for reassurance

71. Cities are developing Branded Covid-19 safety reassurance programs to attract both individual visitors as well as crucial business events that cities often rely …

72. Curium has allowed us to better understand and cleanse our accounting and trading system data and also provides a visible reassurance that the improved quality will …

73. Men, especially, have “affairs” with younger women, and in this time of the “new morality” there are also many women who seek reassurance by having extramarital “affairs.”

74. A secure Attacher will feel comfortable in relationships, forming and nurturing bonds with relative ease; they’ll provide reassurance of their interest, respond to communication in a timely

75. Since many of the people referred to Compeer have limited involvement with family or other friends, volunteers can provide the comfort and reassurance needed for coping with mental illness, one of the loneliest illnesses in the world.

76. In acute intoxication it may mask signs of traumatic hemorrhage by Blunting the hypotensive response, or, in chronic use it may blunt tachycardia, potentially leading to false reassurance and delay in management6,7

77. Boyish Lyrics: Your Boyish reassurance is never reassuring / And I need it / And all of my devotion turns violent / If you go to her, don't expect to come home to me / Tonight / I can't get you

78. And we draw encouraging reassurance from Jesus’ words: “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”

79. ‘Grief mostly requires reassurance from friends and counseling by family physician with occasional small dose of Anxiolytic medication.’ ‘Although hypoxemia and anxiety may cause agitation and restlessness, Anxiolytic medications should be administered only when the physician is prepared to intubate.’

80. Acrophobia: (Acrophobia, altophobia, and fear of heights) 1: Acrophobia: a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of heights, despite conscious understanding by the phobic individual and reassurance by others that there is no danger.2: Acrophobia: an extreme unwarranted fear and/or physical aversion to heights.